Registration Form


  1. All fields with “*” are REQUIRED.
  2. A recent Passport-sized photograph is REQUIRED for your user photo.
  3. Payments must be made to Guyana Police Force, Learner Driver MMG service before submitting a request for the exam. A Valid MMG Reference number will be Required.
  4. After payment is made You need to wait 48 Hours for the System to update your payment information. Then you return to the Registration Form and select the date and Centre which you would like to write.
  5. ID Card or Passport Number and upload a photograph of either ID Card or Passport.
  6. If Uploading a Passport the Biographical Page of the Passport is needed (Where the name and picture are found).
  7. TIN Number and a photo of TIN Certificate.
  8. Only available dates for the exam will be displayed in the drop-down keep checking for daily updated on the new date available.

Registration Form

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