Regional Division #4(b)

Superintendent Krishna Ramana

Regional Division #4(b) Grove/Diamond, East Bank Demerara

Stations Boundary

That part of the state bounded on the north by the east bank of the Demerara River eastwards along the common boundary between Plantations Eccles and Agricola to Lamaha Canal; on the east by the Lamaha Canal in the rear of the estates on the East Coast and East Bank of Demerara through the watershed between the Demerara and Mahaica Rivers, along the eastern and up to the southern boundary of Moblissa; the thalweg of the Moblissa River and its western prolongation from its intersection with the western prolongation of the northern boundary of lease A7557 to its intersection with a mean low watermark on the left bank of the Demerara River.

Stations/Outpost within Region

Contact Us

Names/Offices Cell Number(s) Office Number(s)
Regional Commander –  Superintendent Krishna Ramana 216-0254
Regional Deputy Commander – Superintendent A. Roberts 608-2278 216-0251
Regional Traffic Officer – Assistant Superintendent J. Harper 691-0850 216-0253
Inspector In-charge Traffic – Providence – Inspector S. Massay 644-2413 216-0253


Names/Offices Cell Number(s) Office Number(s) Stationed
Officer-In-Charge No. 1 W/Chief Inspector D. Handy 673-8112 216-0250-2 Grove/Diamond Police Station
Officer-In-Charge No. 2 Superintendent M. Taylor 663-0505 261-2760 Timehri Police Station

Region 4 Map OutLine