The thorough and impartial investigation will be conducted’ – Brutus tells the grieving family of 12-year-old Kayla Barnabus

The thorough and impartial investigation will be conducted’ – Brutus tells the grieving family of 12-year-old Kayla Barnabus

As sympathies continue to pour in for the parents and family of 12-year-old Kayla Barnabus, who lost her life in a tragic accident on Wednesday, Deputy Commissioner ‘Administration’ (ag) Mr. Calvin Brutus along with other senior Police officials, today June 2, visited the grieving family to express sympathies and offer words of comfort.

Mr. Brutus, who met with Kayla’s parents – Delmon and Somatee Barnabus at the couple’s School Street, Goed Fortuin residence, expressed his deep sympathies, personally and on behalf of the Guyana Police Force, and offered condolences for the terribly tragic way in which the couple’s daughter lost her life.

Mr. Brutus assured the grieving parents that a thorough and impartial investigation will be conducted into the unfortunate accident.

Brutus also assured the family of the Guyana Police Force’s commitment to helping them through this extremely difficult time and assured that the GPF will assist in every way possible to take care of the expenses of the wake and funeral arrangements for Kayla.

The 12-year-old lost her life on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, at Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara, after she was struck down by a vehicle belonging to the Police Force which was transporting prisoners at the time.

Kayla, described by her mother as a godly child that was brilliant, kind, compassionate, caring, and loved all by, attended the West Demerara Secondary School where she was a first form student.

Deputy Commissioner Brutus was accompanied by Regional Commander for Division #3, Senior Superintendent Mahendra Siwnarine; Traffic Chief, Superintendent Ramesh Ashram; Head of the Force’s Community Relations Department, Superintendent Crystal Robinson, along with members of the Cops and Faith Community Network.

Mr. Brutus told the family that the Commissioner of Police, his Admin Team, and all rank and file of the Guyana Police Force mourn with the Barnabus family at the loss of their beloved daughter, granddaughter, niece, and friend- Kayla Barnabus.

(Story and Photos by CCU’s Constable Avindra Rajballi)